The largest civil society and private organizations  led campaign brings oxygen generating units to  address the COVID-19 pandemic 

Kathmandu,  May 30.  Ten oxygen generating units will arrive to Nepal from France to address the need of the supplementary  oxygen during the pandemic. American Nepal Medical Foundation, Batas Foundation, CREASION,  Humanity Foundation, Mission Rebuild Nepal, Jagdamba Steel and Syakar Trading Company Pvt. Ltd., are  working together to tackle the problem in a joint initiative with the help of many other individuals and  organizations to strengthen Nepal’s ability to cope with oxygen crisis reeling under COVID-19. This is one  of the largest interventions done to address the pandemic in Nepal. 

The second wave of the COVID-19 has hit Nepal claiming 1010 lives this week. Deaths are not recorded  solely because of the severity of the virus but also due to unavailability of oxygen cylinders for COVID-19  patients. For COVID-19 patients that are in dire need of oxygen, providing oxygen cylinders are not enough  because oxygen generating units are required to refill the oxygen cylinders for oxygen accessibility. With  daily COVID-19 infections soaring at over 8000 per day, existing oxygen generating units have been  overwhelmed by the demand to refill oxygen cylinders. 

An oxygen generating unit can serve 50 beds and 15 cylinders of 47 L capacity at the same time in 24  hours. The capacity of ten oxygen generating units is to generate 375 liters of oxygen per minute. It will  be able to serve 650 number of patients per day after the installation of those generating units. 

The EN Premium RX 270 oxygen generating unit by NOVAIR, the specialist of on-site gas production  system, will be established in the seven provinces of Nepal. The locations to where the generating units  will be operating will be considered on the basis of where they can be immediately utilized. Once the  oxygen generating units are delivered to Nepal, it will take three days to assemble the oxygen generating  unit once it reaches its destination. 

The Oxygen generating units will soon be transported to the country. These generating units will not only  provide immediate relief to COVID-19 second wave crisis but also aid Nepal’s overall health care system. 

Oxygen for Nepal is one of the largest civil society campaigns to address the crisis of COVID second wave  in Nepal where organizations and people from Nepal and abroad have come together. The partners are  to establish ten oxygen generating units in all the provinces of Nepal to overcome the current oxygen  crisis. 

Mr. Saurabh Jyoti, Chairman of Syakar Trading Company said Syakar Trading Company Pvt.Ltd, one of  the companies of Jyoti Group is proud to be associated in this initiative #oxygenfornepal, consisting of  likeminded private companies and NGO’s who are working collectively to provide relief to our fellow  Nepalese people by providing 10 Oxygen Plants during this Pandemic. Abiding by our company’s core  principle, we are committed to help our community, society and nation in times of need.”

Mr. Aanand Mishra, Founder and president of CREASION, said “Our shared love for Nepal has made it  possible to bring 10 oxygen generating units to Nepal. We hope that this mission will help flatten the curve  and improve the ongoing health crisis at a great extent. Looking at this day, I am glad that we all did this  together and want to thank every organization and individuals involved specially COVID Alliance for Nepal  and C-19 RAT that directed their efforts for a common goal of saving lives.”