Major stakeholders to come together for covid 19

Kathmandu, May 21. Nepal has been badly affected by the impacts of COVID 19 over time which has thinly stretched the medical infrastructure of the Country resulting in loss of unexpected number of human lives and the Country still facing difficulty to cope up with this challenge.

Taking this mammoth challenge into consideration and the need for major stakeholders to come together, Nepal Bankers Association (NBA), Nepal Financial Institutions Association (NFA), Nepal Microfinance Banker’s Association (NMBA), Jeevan Bimak Sangh Nepal (JEBISAN), Nepal Insurer’s Association (NIA).


Likewise, Merchant Bankers Association of Nepal (MBAN), Stock Broker’s Association of Nepal (SBAN) and The Association of Chartered Accountants of Nepal (ACAN) have voluntarily risen upto this occasion and joined hands to form a platform “Hatemalo – Joining Hands” so that the member institutions associated with the Associations, staffs of the said member Companies, other stakeholders of the society including public at large may contribute in their institutional /personal capacities for this noble cause.

The fund donated will directly be used as per the needs identified on ground on immediate basis so that its impactful and delivered on time.

Hatemalo also urges other stakeholders of the society including public at large to gracefully come forward and extend their support which will have an impact on the ground and assist us to jointly meet the challenges in these unprecedented situation.