NIMBUS offers to donate Pro-Tect Mask and Sanitizer at places where it’s needed the most

Kathmandu, May 18. The current situation in Nepal and across the world is of grave concern and requires immediate action. Nimbus in the past has risen to the needs of the country. Presently, the need is greater than any other time. The company once again steps up for relief efforts in the second wave of COVID-19 hitting Nepal.

In this exceptionally difficult time, even a small gesture means a lot to people and can contribute to cope with the needs of fighting the COVID-19 crisis. Nimbus has decided to show its support to the organizations, frontline workers, and volunteers who are fighting for everyone’s safety, risking their own, by providing them with Pro-Tect mask and sanitizer.

The company is all set to donate masks and sanitizer at places where it’s needed the most, prioritizing hospitals, quarantine centers, frontline workers including health workers, volunteers, media personnel, and government bodies. The masks will be delivered through delivering the company’s online platform

Nimbus has already deployed masks at Shahid Ganga Lal Hospital, Federation of Nepali Journalists, and Heartbeat, an organization run by volunteers to provide free meals to those in need.

“We are deeply grateful and have immense respect for every person who has risked their life and safety to fight this pandemic. In one of the toughest challenges faced by the world today, we can only win if we all work unitedly. We strive to collaborate with different organizations and the government to fight this crisis and reach out to the underprivileged and deprived,” shares Anand Bagaria, Managing Director, Nimbus.

Pro-Tect is a health and sanitation brand by Nimbus which includes high-quality Anti-microbial Kn95 masks, 3ply Mask and Sanitizer made with WHO-recommended hand rub formulations with 76% ethanol.

Organizations and volunteers can apply for Pro-Tect masks and Sanitizer stating the required number by applying at and clicking on Donate Pro-Tect, or by calling 977-9828091691.