Coca-Cola come together to provide relief to 3200 waste workers

Kathmandu,  May 24.  CREASION along with Coca-Cola in Nepal announced a joint initiative named Waste Worker Emergency Relief Project (WWERP) with the aim to provide awareness, safety gears and relief materials for vulnerable waste workers and their families to help protect them from the negative impacts of the virus. The project is part of Coca-Cola in Nepal’s initial pledge of Rs 8 crores towards the fight against COVID-19.

The first program of the project commenced on 15th May in a safety awareness and distribution event of relief materials to 150 waste workers which was held at Women for Human Rights in Buddhanilkantha, Kathmandu.

So far, 4 relief programs have been conducted successfully which has directly benefited 460 waste workers. They were provided with safety and awareness programs, food relief packages, dignity kits for female beneficiaries which includes environmental-friendly and reusable sanitary pads along with personal hygiene materials such as soaps, detergents, gloves and essential medicines to ensure their primary needs and protect their livelihood.

Furthermore, protective jumpsuits and safety gears will be provided to 100 frontline waste workers in a relief program on 25th May which will be facilitated by Mr. Bidya Sundar Shakya, Mayor of Kathmandu.

The WWERP project is a joint collaboration with Women for Human Rights, Doko recycler, Blue Waste to Value, Nepsemyak and Himalayan Climate Initiative (HCI) who have provided a list of waste workers in their network so that the project can have a wider reach.

This initiation aims to reach 3200 waste workers and their families ensuring their safety and livelihood at the current situation of crisis while over 2500 waste workers will be directly benefitted. The project will be further carried out in different municipalities of Kathmandu, Kiritipur, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, Chitwan, Lahan, Saptari and Siraha.

Speaking about this initiation Mr. Aananda Mishra, Founder and President, Creasion said, “We are committed to bring positive changes in the lives of waste workers through this initiation in support of The Coca-Cola Foundation.”

Ms. Lily Thapa, Founder, Women for Human Rights added, “Waste workers are equally in the front line as other professionals and the least we can do for them from a personal level is segregating waste at our households before disposal. Besides, initiatives like this are a noble way to show collective solidarity and respect for their work.”

Mr. Ambuj Singh, Country Director, Coca-Cola in Nepal shared, “The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in challenging time for everyone. While we all are dealing with this difficult situation it has become quite tough for the waste worker community who are working on the frontline and vulnerable to the outbreak. With our sincere support we attempt to provide safety and protection of their livelihood so that they do not have to bear negative consequences of the Corona Virus. In this fight against COVID-19 outbreak, we are together with them.”