Iran’s top leader calls U.S.-led attack on Syria “crime”

TEHRAN, April 14 .  Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Saturday denounced the airstrikes on Syria launched by the U.S., Britain and France as a “crime.”

“I overtly declare that the presidents of the United States and France and the premier of Britain have committed crimes (in Syria) and are criminals,” Khamenei said in a meeting with Iranian officials and the ambassadors of Islamic states, reported the website, affiliated to the leader’s office.

Earlier Saturday morning, the U.S., in cooperation with Britain and France, attacked Syrian military facilities reportedly related to Syria’s chemical weapons capabilities to retaliate for the alleged use of chemical weapons by Syrian troops early the month in an attack on the rebel-held town of Douma near the Syrian capital Damascus. The Syrian government has strongly denied the allegations.Enditem . Xinhua