Bandipur Goat Station becoming a hub for agricultural knowledge

DAMAULI (TANAHUN), SEPTEMBER 18: The Bandipur-based National Goat Research Station is increasingly recognized as a valuable resource for those interested in agriculture and livestock. Daily visitors flock to the station seeking information on various agricultural practices and livestock-rearing techniques. In the past year alone, over 8,000 individuals have visited the research station.

Students from agriculture, livestock, and forestry programs frequently visit the station for study and practical experience. Even federal and provincial ministers, lawmakers, and political leaders have shown interest in the station's work.

The station has been instrumental in developing new technologies and distributing advanced and local breeds of goats, sheep, and grasses. They have also played a crucial role in preserving indigenous breeds.

In the last fiscal year, the station provided breeding services to 286 goats using pure Boer goats. Additionally, they collected stool samples from 455 animals and treated 1,570 goats.

The station exceeded its production target for the fiscal year 2023/24, producing 70 Khari goats compared to the planned 34.

The station has successfully produced goats of various breeds, including Khari, Sinhal, Barbari, Jamunapari Cross, Shuddh Bor, Bor Cross, Shuddh Sanan, and Saanen Cross.