Jomsom-Kagbeni Road Section blacktopped

MYADGI, SEPTEMBER 27: The 13-kilometer road from Jomsom to Kagbeni, which falls under the Kaligandaki Corridor—a national pride project—has been blacktopped. The road has been widened to 11 meters. The blacktopping of the Jomsom-Kagbeni section was carried out under a contract worth NPR 281.4 million.

Bishnu Chapagain, the Information Officer of the Beni-Jomsom-Korala Road Project, confirmed the completion of the blacktopping work. Out of the total 110-kilometer stretch from Jomsom to the Korala checkpoint, 75 kilometers have been expanded and gravelled. Additionally, 92% of the construction work on the 25-kilometer Charang-Chhoser section has been completed.

Project Chief Dhurba Kumar Jha stated that the remaining road from Jomsom to Korala will be gravelled after the Charang-Chhoser section upgrade is completed.