Five containers with equipment to explore petroleum products arrive in Dailekh

DAILEKH, APRIL 2: Five small containers loaded with equipment for the first phase exploration of petroleum products in Dailekh have arrived from China, via Kolkata and Rupaidiya points. The exploration works will now be carried out around the clock. However, big containers en route to the district from China have been stuck along the Karnali and Mid-Hill Highways due to narrow turning points. Efforts are underway to find a passage for these containers.

Around 150 containers have reportedly left Rupaidiya Point in India for Dailekh carrying the exploration tools. The fixing of tools that have already arrived is currently ongoing, and the Chief District Officer, Khimraj Bhusal, regularly monitors the site. The works to explore the petro products have been expedited, according to Bhusal.

Additionally, processes are underway to address the demands of locals to provide jobs and financial support to those households affected by the project. Bhupendra Thapa, the chief administration officer of Bhairabi rural municipality, said locals demand that the procession of petroleum products should be carried out within the district.

The project has been implemented as per the G2G agreement between Nepal and China and is expected to open an avenue for Nepal’s prosperity if it turns out to be successful, said Dailekh Chamber of Commerce and Industry President, Kul Bahadur Gurung. The drilling for the exploration will go up to four kilometres beneath the earth. Through drilling, it is expected to determine the quantity of petroleum products and gas storage, providing the way for going for the next round of works, Project Chief Dinesh Kumar Napit said.