Govt cuts down on snack expenditures to save 6 million annually

As part of the reforms in the state apparatuses, the government has decided to cut down on the snack expenditures of the meeting of the Council of Ministers beginning today. The Prime Minister informed the meeting that the council held at Singha Durbar this morning made such a decision,  according to the Prime Minister’s Secretariat.

The PM Office stated that approximately Rs 60 thousand was spent on snacks in each meeting of the Council of Ministers. It is said the Council of Ministers meets more than 100 times in a year. Govinda Acharya, the Press Advisor to the Prime Minister, said that around Rs 6 million is saved annually with the cut down on snack expenses in the meeting of the Council of Ministers.

Acharya said PM Dahal has started reforms from his own office as even a minor topic as snack expense is also considered significant in good governance and reforms. He added that works related to good governance and improvement would be consistently pursued ahead. Prime Minister Dahal who has announced to change the working style of the government has been reaching the Prime Minister’s Office at Singha Durbar at 10.0 am daily, except on public holidays.

He has been taking daily briefings from various ministries and initiatives for resolving the problems seen in development projects, including the national pride projects, from the Singha Durbar. Meanwhile, the government’s decision to use the Nepal Sambat calendar in all government documents has been implemented. Acharya, the PM’s press advisor, said the Nepal Sambat date has started to be used in the messages of best wishes that the PM has been issuing on various occasions.