Environmental Impact Assessment of two industrial estates begins

GANDAKI, DECEMBER 31:The task of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) regarding the two industrial estates to be built in Punditar of Kaski and Lokahakhoa of Nawalpur has begun. Gaumukhi Engineering, a consulting firm, is undertaking the same of the two projects announced by the provincial government of Gandaki some six years back.

“An agreement was reached with the firm two weeks ago for the Ministry of Industry, Tourism for the EIA. As per the deal,  Gaumukhi Engineering will come up with a work plan in one month, a preliminary report in two months and a final report in five months,” divulges Ram Prasad Acharya, Chief of the General Department of the Indusry-Commerce under the ministry.

Only after conducting the EIA, the federal government will provide lands necessary to construct the industrial zones.  That is why, we have moved the task of the EIA forward.

It has been long since the projects were announced by the provincial government. But their materialisation is said to have been continuously hampered by the lack of the needed lands. Following the release of the final report of the EIA, the ministry plans to

The Gandaki provincial government has already prepared the Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) for both projects. The cost of the DPR of the Punditar-based industrial estate stands at Rs 540 million while the same of the Lokahkhola-based industrial estate is Rs 760 million. The former project is proposed to be constructed in areas measuring 4,500 ropanis (that stretch from Pokhara-33 of the Kaski district to Shulla Gandaki of Tanahu district) whereas the latter one will be built on 141 ropanis of land (that covers Kawasoti-1 and Devchuli-10 of the Nawalpur district).