Nine km remains to lay Amlekhgunj-Motihari fuel pipeline

Birgunj, Feb 25. Only nine kilometers remain to lay the Amlekhgunj-Motihari fuel pipeline of the total 39.2 kilometers on the Nepali side.

The remaining area for the pipeline is between Pathalaiya in Parsa National Park and Amlekhgunj. The construction is being expeded and expected to be over soon, said Sharad Prasad Poudel, engineer at the Motihari Amlekhgunj petroleum pipeline project office.

In this regard, an agreement will be reached in some days between the Nepal Oil Corporation and the Timber Corporation of Nepal to chop down over 6,550 trees within the project area, he said.

Of the total 69 km length of the project extending from Amlekhgunj, Nepal to Motihari, India is commissioned to undertake the remaining 39.8 kms. The Rs 5.6 billion project is prioritized by both Nepal and India.

Once completed, the project, which is also considered to be a lifeline for Nepal, is expected to ensure regular supply of fuel from India. Rss