Over 167.86 million units of new stocks listed in NEPSE

KATHMANDU, JANUARY 1: Over 167.86 million units of new stocks have been listed in the Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) in the Nepali month of Mangsir( from mid-November to mid-December last year).

The very figure consists of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) of two companies, Further Public Offerings (FPOs) of two companies, bonus shares of two companies, rights shares of two companies, and debentures of one company.

In the review period, the stock exchange listed (IPOs) of Muktinath Krishi Company (700,000 units) and Trishuli Hydropower Company (18,525,000 units).

The FPOs of Mirmire Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha  (123,816.45 units) and Sahakarya Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha ( 178,451.18 units) were also listed. Likewise, the country’s only stock exchange listed the right shares of Synergy Power (4,032,875 units) and Arun Kabeli Power 18,552,105 units) as well as bonus shares of Machhapuchchhre Bank (10,364,217 units) and Nadep Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha (809,600 units) were listed.

Similarly, the NEPSE LISTED  debentures with  10-year maturity of Kumari Bank (5 million units).