BATAS Foundation Help to Daily Wage Workers

Kathmandu, May 6. Corporate social responsibility and voluntary salary contribution from generous staff of BATAS Foundation and BATAS Organization, today we distributed 50 food relief packets (Consisting 20 Kg Rice, 3 Kg Lentils and 1 Liter Oil) to the most vulnerable group of people who are permanent residents of Naukunda, Rasuwa and had been working as daily wage workers at Kathmandu.

They were stuck here due to the lock down and were facing severe food shortages. BATAS team reached Chisapani, Dharmasthali, which is approx 6 km outskirts from Balaju to distribute the items. They were did their best to maintain social distancing protocols as much as we could during the entire process said batas Organization.

They would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our ERT and Distribution team for their efforts for the distribution.