Round Table Nepal Chair to Asia Pacific Region

Kathmandu, March 30 . The recently concluded ASPA region meeting of Round Table International in Kathmandu Nepal elected the Immediate Past President of Round Table Nepal Tr. Jayant Agrawal as the chairman of the region for 2019-20 .

He shall be the 5th Nepalese after Hemant Golchha, Manoj Kedia, Amit Begani and Akash Golchha to lead the region.

The ASPA AGM concluded in Nepal with participation of around 100 tablers from around more than 12 countries. ASPA region of Round Table International has 10 countries Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Philipines, Australia, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and New Zealand. There are around 5500 members in this region. Currently the Chairman of ASPA region is Tr. Ranil Samarawickrema from Sri Lanka.