Rs. 6 lakh donated for football pitch

Daang, Dec 31 – The locals have donated 6 lakh rupees in order to make a football pitch at Daang headquarter, Diktel.


The local Solma Sports club was donated 5 hundred to 1 lakh rupees by each locals  as an economic help for the ground.


Though the football ground cost is 1 crore and 12 lakhs rupees, a total of  6 lakh 67 thousands and 6 hundred rupees has been collected from local citizens only, the chairman of the club, Dhurba Bikram Rai said. After the purchase of  25 ropanies of land by solma club local people supported the huge amount for football ground construction.


The chairman Rai stated that, for the purpose of playing Football along with volleyball and other games the construction is undergoing. The local resident Pujandeep Rai provided 2 ropanies of land for free for the football ground.