CAN launches cricket talent hunt

Kathmandu,April 22- The National Cricket Academy (NCA) has launched a talent hunt programme from Monday with an objective of producing new and talented players for the game.

According to the Cricket Association Nepal (CAN), the programme started at the International Cricket Grounds at Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, which different players and coaches including national coach, Pubudu Dasanayake and national player Shakti Prasad Gautam had also watched.

Secretary of CAN, Thakur Prasad Pahadi, said that the training is especially launched targeting the students who have attended this year´s SLC examinations, where talents below 19 years could take part.

The NCA, on the request of willing participants has opened registration for a few days.

According to CAN, the Academy will prepare youth players by selecting best players and they will give best performance.

Chief Coach, Binod Das, and coaches Raju Basnyat, Kalam Ali and Jagat Tamata of the Academy will give training to the players.