Over Rs 32 billion collected by Birgunj Customs in 8 months

BIRGUNJ, MARCH 23: The BirgunjCustoms Office has collected Rs 32.32 billion in revenue over the first eight months of the current fiscal year. The Department of Customs has a target of a total of Rs 60.04 billion for the office for 2024/25.

According to Dhan Bahadur Baruwal, chief of the customs office, revenue collection in the last two  Nepali months i,e Magh (mid-January to mid-February) and Falgun (mid-February to mid-March) reached up to 92% of the monthly target.

The office collected Rs 3.75 billion in Shrawan (mid-Jult to mid-August, Rs 4.64 billion in Bhadra (mid-August to mid-Septemer), Rs 4.36 billion in Ashoj (mid-September to mid-October, and Rs 3.79 billion in Kartik (mid-October to mid-November). Similarly, revenue collection stood at Rs 3.22 billion in Mangsir (mid-November to mid-December), Rs 3.56 billion in Poush (mid-December to mid-January), Rs 4.29 billion in Magh (mid-January to mid-February), and Rs 4.68 billion in Falgun (mid-February to mid-March).

Among the eight months, Falgun recorded the highest revenue collection.