NYEF and LAN joined hands together to collaborate in the area of Learning and Development

Kathmandu, Nov 26. Nepalese Young Entrepreneurs’ Forum (NYEF) and Leadership Academy Nepal (LAN) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in order to collaborate in the area of Learning and Development amidst a special signing ceremony organized at the LAN’s office, Mandikhatar, Kathmandu.

President of NYEF, Mr. Ritesh Lamichhane, and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of LAN, Mr. Arun R. Joshi signed the MOU on 23rd November 2022 on behalf of respective organizations. The other dignitaries present on the occasion include Mr. Udeep Shrestha, NYEF-Immediate Past President, Ms. Sahara Joshi, First VP-NYEF, Mr. Nirdesh Dwa, NYEF-Member, Mr. Jayendra Rimal, COO-LAN, and Mr. Suman Neupane-LAN.

The major thrust of the MOU is to help jointly share resources, design innovative learning and capacity development and training programs, focused on using the most modern technologies, pedagogy, and top-tier training resources, to accelerate the development of qualified and globally competitive human capital in Nepal and the South Asia region and elsewhere.

NYEF and LAN will also benefit by sharing resources, and/or managing programs jointly to enhance their reach and footprint in Nepal and around the world, by building linkages and synergies with global leaders, institutions, and networks.