Winners of the ‘Wai Wai Jingle Remix Contest’ Awarded

Kathmandu, August 25. The winners of the ‘Buy By Jingle Remix Competition’ organized by Chaudhary Group have been awarded on Wednesday. Out of the 62 jingles that participated in the competition, the remix done by Samrat Bhattarai of Sunsari has been excellent. Nirman Chaudhary of the group handed over the prize money of Rs 1 lakh to him in a ceremony.

Addressing the function, he said that the Chaudhary group organizes such competitions to search for hidden talents in different parts of the country. He said, “We have always been involved in the search and promotion of talent. This competition is a continuation of that.”
He also personally announced Rs. 25000/- award for the top ten winners. For the past 20 years, Bye Bye has been working all over Nepal for the promotion of Nepali songs and music and for the promotion of Nepali talents.

A statement issued by the Chaudhary Group discusses the emergence of young talents in Nepal along with accessible and innovative technologies and high speed internet.
Similarly, the statement said, “Studios are also being set up extensively. Unfortunately, many are deprived of the opportunity to showcase their talents, often focusing on utilizing the talents in Kathmandu.”

With the aim of breaking such a situation, Bai Bai had organized a bye bye jingle remix competition on the occasion of World Music Day on June 21, 2021. Making extensive use of the prevailing social media, we invited young instrumentalists, singers and musicians from all over Nepal to participate and post the original jingle remixed by them on the Bye Bye Jingle Remix Competition page for all of us.

The month-long competition ended on July 21. Renowned singers James Pradhan, Sanjay Shrestha, Navin Bhattarai and Rohit Chhetri were instrumental in inspiring the youth to participate in this competition and contributing to the success of such a diverse competition.

The musical diversity in the remixed jingles has made it even more surprising, according to a statement issued by the Chaudhary Group. The music creations in these remix jingles ranged from rap to pop as well as local classical music.

In addition, it was really inspiring and encouraging that the creations received from outside the Kathmandu Valley were also excellent in terms of production, both technically and commercially. The new talents seen in the remix songs show that Nepali musicians and musicians from all over Nepal can be successful if they get continuous institutional support.